Add this Fly Fishing Destination to your Bucket List

fly fishing destinations, fly fishing Nevada, fly fishing for cutthroat, fishing the United States, best lakes for fly fishing

Add this Fly Fishing Destination to your Bucket List

Sometimes you just pack up your car at the spur of the moment with one of your best friends and hit the road three hours into the new year. Especially if you’re headed to Nevada’s Pyramid Lake. Although you can catch the cutthroat trout of your lifetime, what’s stuck out most to me was the hospitality provided by the community around Pyramid Lake. Crosby’s Lodge is the town of Sutcliffe’s one-stop shop for food, lodging, and fishing needs. Guide and owner of Pyramid Fly Co, Casey Anderson operate out of Crosby’s and will give you the best fishing experience on Stillwater you may ever have. 30605 Sutcliffe Dr. Sutcliffe, NV. 89510 1 (877) PFC-FLYS or +1 (877) 732-3597

Tyler Tasci handling a massive Pyramid Lake trout.
These trout don’t get massive from eating tiny bugs. Fooled by a Shumaker’s Shimmering Minnow, this monster could be anyone’s personal best.

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