Swinging Soft Hackles

nymph fly fishing flies

How To Fly Fish Wet Flies: Everything You Need To Know

Fly fishing could be described as a riddle, wrapped in an enigma, then wrapped in a puzzle. From a broad view, especially for new fly fishers, showing up to a river and knowing where to start is a challenge. Just like approaching new pieces of water, breaking down the intricacies...

emerger fly on fly fishing leader

What’s An Emerger Fly And How Do I Use Them?

Emerger fly patterns are lightweight flies designed to drift effortlessly with the current and hang just below the surface. Emergers are a simple concept, they imitate emerging insect larvae and pupae making their way to the surface to molt into their next life cycle. Emerging insects have a difficult time...


Effective Dry Fly Fishing For Rising Trout: A Delicate Presentation Is The Best Presentation

A delicate presentation helps keep your fly afloat longer.After work, I can't wait to rush out to the stream and get fishing. Often times I arrive just before dusk and right in the middle of a hatch.My adrenaline kicks in and my heart rate spikes. Seeing so many mouths feeding...


Best 11 Soft Hackle Flies For Swinging And Nymphing Rigs

Soft hackle flies are a little known secret to a select few in the fly fishing community. But once you know exactly how to fish them and when, they become a staple fly in your fly box.There are have been countless times where I would've have gone home without a...

how to rig your wet fly leader, rigging your fly rod, wet fly set up, how to fish soft hackled flies, soft hackle flies, fishing soft hackles, how to tie a dropper fly, the fly crate may flies

The Deadly Technique: How to Fish Soft Hackles

Rarely do I hear fly anglers rave about soft hackle flies.That is partially due to the lack of fishermen that use them and I bet it has to with the lack of attractiveness in these flies. “Wait, are you telling me people don’t fish these just because they look plain...

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