Forget about going to the gym or eating better; let's talk about some New Year's resolutions that
really matter.
That's right, we are talking resolutions of the fishing variety! There's always room to improve as an angler and expand the scope of your fishing prowess, so follow these 5 resolutions and fish your way to a better you in 2019!
1.) Fish More
Duh, right? It's true though! Often times throughout the year we will look at the stream gauges, weather, or recent trip reports and decide to stay at home. Change that habit with the ringing in of the New Year! If the water is high, go fish!
Ask yourself this, would you rather write the fishing report or read the fishing report?
It's amazing how productive the days have been when going out or staying home was a coin flip. Spend more days on the water this year; you'll be glad you did!
2.) Target a New Species
Last year I made the effort to target musky and pike on the fly rod. Was it an excuse to buy cool flies and a boat? Who can know, but man was it fun!
Going after a new species of fish in 2019 will broaden your horizons and expand your fishing opportunities. It's a great way to be versatile and ensure that there is always something fishing well whenever you have the itch to go out.
3.) Learn a New Skill
Fly fishing is ever evolving, and as new techniques and methods come out our skill set must improve!
A lot of times those new skills will either help us catch more fish, or help us catch fish in different water conditions. For example, learning to fish streamers will open up a whole world of opportunities for the fly angler, and will probably yield a few larger fish than the typical nymph angler is used to.
The skill doesn't necessarily have to be on the water, though. Perhaps your 2019 skill to learn is tying your own flies, or learning new knots!
4.) Explore New Water
This is one of my favorites! Taking the time to scout a new piece of water is very exciting.
While these excursions are sometimes a bust, other trips to new water produce some real gems that become regulars in your fishing location rotation. If your new water is in Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission has some excellent map resources to help narrow the search. Here's a
5.) Teach Someone New
Catching a fish on a fly rod is one of the most rewarding feelings. One of the few things better than that is watching someone you've taught catch a fish!
Whether it's a friend, relative, spouse, or significant other take the time to show someone the merits and joys of fly fishing. The gratification felt upon seeing their interest in the sport is reason enough to have this one on the list of resolutions for 2019!