A Thank You Letter From Nate

A Thank You Letter From Nate

Hello TFC Friends,

For those who haven't met me, my name is Nathaniel Treichler—but, you can call me Nate. It's true, I started The Fly Crate in my basement in 2015 to build a fly fishing community to fuel a greater purpose, which was later named our Healing Flies Program. This is our initiative to donate 2% of our sales to help rehabilitate disabled veterans.

I want to thank you for your support of our company as we will continue to grow with you over the years. Many have stuck with us from the beginning when we were a small Pennsylvania-based business to now, where we stretch all the way to California.

All of what The Fly Crate does and stands for is all because of you and your decision to join our fly fishing family. Your one click online has allowed us to expand our team from a one-person operation into a 6 member team of dedicated fly anglers.

As our commitment to provide you with the best possible service, you will see a growing selection of premium fly fishing flies and essential gear available to you with free shipping and tons of free helpful fly fishing resources.

From all of us at The Fly Crate, we can't thank you enough for your support and your choice in us as your go-to fly fishing supplier.

I hope you have a wonderful season.

Your friend,

Nate Treichler

The Fly Crate Founder and Owner

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