4 Great Fly Fishing Gift Ideas

4 Great Fly Fishing Gift Ideas

The holiday season is upon us, and perhaps you’re wondering what to get the fly angler in your life who seems to already have everything!

There’s overwhelmingly a million accoutrements that adorn vests, packs, and boats of anglers across the country. From the latest-and-greatest to tried-and-true pieces of gear, it can be a bit overwhelming trying to shop for someone else in these situations. Personal preferences, a variety of options and brands, and species-specific flies/gear are just a few of the obstacles that stand in the way of you and the perfect gift. Here are a few great ideas that are sure to excite your friend, spouse, parent, or fly fishing buddy!

Monthly Subscription Service

Want to talk about the gift that gives all the year-long?! Getting your fly fishing-loving person a subscription to something like The Fly Crate gives them the opportunity to receive an exciting gift each and every month. From effective flies to trendy stickers, it’s a great opportunity to extend the holiday season and give them something to look forward to all year!

Guide Trip

The complaints from anglers usually carry a common thread, regardless of time of year or species targeted: β€œWhere are all the fish?” β€œI didn’t have the right flies!” β€œI spent the entire time untangling my line!” Going on a guide trip alleviates all of this for your angler, and that makes it the perfect gift! Giving them the chance to be catered to on the water and receive one-on-one instruction is something they are guaranteed to love!

Periodical Subscription

Few things match the excitement of actually going fishing, but sometimes that’s not possible. The next best thing is getting a magazine in the mail each month or quarter to transport the reader to faraway places and exotic fly fishing adventures. There are a variety of options out there, from destination magazines to others geared more towards instruction and helping anglers fine-tune their craft. Either way, getting the newest edition of a treasured magazine in the mail is something that’s sure to be a home run!

Gift Cards (But it’s not as impersonal as you think!)

Okay, no one likes to give gift cards for the holidays, but this one is different! Consider sending your angling spouse, parent, or friend on a nice little weekend stay somewhere to fish, and then think about all the details from there. Get them an AirBnB gift card for lodging, research restaurants in the area and get a gift certificate for one of them, maybe even a gas card would be appropriate! The entire thing can be set up so that they still have the leeway and freedom to call the shots, but the expenses for the entire weekend are all taken care of. It’s all of the fun with none of the planning or headache!

Holiday gift-buying can be a chore for the angler who has it all and wants for nothing. Whether it’s a guide trip to explore a new stream or gift cards that create the perfect weekend getaway, there are ways to still get someone an unforgettable experience without getting too bold with your presents. You can’t go wrong with any of these gifts, and in some cases they are things that can be enjoyed throughout the year...it doesn’t get much better than that!

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