Many different fly fishing flies have been made over the years from new and controversial materials. Yep, you'll notice materials used from squishy kid toys and your fancy kitchen mop are now found conveniently wrapped around a hook. Even crazier, they catch loads of fish. So as you're out on the water you'll find anglers from all walks of life using some of these flies. At a certain point, you'll have the choice to continue using your more 'natural' patterns or give these flashy, dirty flies a go. But before you do, check with your local regulations for artificial fly guidelines.
Here are 5 trout flies that you either love or hate.

1. Squirmy Wormy
As much as you love to hate Squirmy Wormies, they catch fish. That being said, there is a time and a place for them. Aquatic worms are a natural part of the ecosystem but truly become an important food source to trout during and after rainfall or snowmelt. Anytime the water is high and carries a hint of sediment, grab a squirmy wormy and hit the slack water. In these times of high-water trout will find refuge behind rocks, fallen trees, and in natural eddies. Squirmy Wormy flies do have a rather slow sink rate because of the drag caused by the worm material on either end. As a result, add a bit of weight when fly fishing a squirmy wormy by tying in a heavier nymph below or add some split shots. Shop our assortment here.

2. Mop Fly
From your home swifter to the butt end of a larva fly, mop flies have caught the fly fishing community by storm over the past few years. Many fly anglers use these nymph flies for trout, carp, panfish, and small-mouth bass. When these flies soak up water they drop like an anvil and, as such, act as a great lead fly within nymphing rigs. Shop our assortment here.

3. Rubber Grub Fly
Crane-fly larvae and grubs are a thick treat for trout. Grubs are commonly found under rocks and in sedimentary layers of the stream bed. This fly features a squishy, rubbery grub body on a barbless hook, which is perfect as an attractor pattern.

4. Egg Fly
Egg flies just catch fish, plain and simple. They work great whenever fish are breeding and eggs are on the menu. Just don't pull trout off their redds. We love to incorporate this easy egg pattern into our nymph rigs and target sections of the stream below breeding grounds. Trout and other fish will often hang below and pick off eggs swept from the 'redds'. Shop our assortment here.

5. Green Weenie
The Green Weenie fly is one of the most simple flies out there. It's just a few wraps of some micro chenille and some thread to finish it off. I was skeptical of this fly at first but have slowly come around to fishing the Green Weenie at nearly every outing. The bright color and close imitation of a caddis larva make this strange pattern a top producer. While you can fish this pattern with a bead, I like to space two splits a few inches above it so the whole rig gets a rolling action across the bottom.