Tag - how to

Fly Fishing Divers And Popper Flies For Warm Water Bass

As the water warms up in the spring and summer,  you can enjoy some of the most exciting action of the year as fish activity rises rapidly.  There are few experiences in fishing more exciting than the explosion of a predatory fish, lurking in the murky waters, then breaking the...


4 Simple Methods to Master the Art of Unsnagging your Fly

No one likes losing their flies to the river, but it’s a part of fly fishing whether you’re a rookie or an expert. Your natural instincts will take over and tell you to try and force the snag free, but this often results in losing your entire rig...

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The Deadly Technique: How to Fish Soft Hackles

Rarely do I hear fly anglers rave about soft hackle flies.That is partially due to the lack of fishermen that use them and I bet it has to with the lack of attractiveness in these flies. “Wait, are you telling me people don’t fish these just because they look plain...

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